
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
August 7, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is a global platform designed to streamline the hiring process for companies seeking remote developers, designers, and marketers. By matching organizations with vetted talent ready for interviews, Arc optimizes hiring efforts, allowing companies to fill roles faster and save costs while accessing top talent worldwide.

Arc offers a unique pricing plan where users pay only upon hiring talent. The platform provides flexible options tailored for both freelance and full-time hires, empowering companies to make budget-friendly decisions while experiencing quick hiring processes backed by expert support to ensure satisfaction.

Arc features a user-friendly interface designed to enhance the hiring experience. With a clean layout, users can easily navigate through profiles of vetted candidates and utilize innovative tools for efficient candidate selection, ensuring a seamless process from start to finish while fostering productive collaborations.

How Arc works

To utilize Arc, users begin by outlining their hiring needs, including job specifics and budget. Once they share their requirements, Arc matches them with a pool of interview-ready candidates. Users can quickly connect and interview potential hires, making the hiring process efficient and streamlined, with support from recruitment experts throughout.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Marketplace

Arc's vetted talent marketplace ensures that companies connect with top-tier freelance and full-time remote professionals. This unique aspect guarantees quality and readiness, allowing businesses to make quick hiring decisions and benefit from a diverse pool of skilled candidates tailored to their specific needs.

Fast Hiring Process

One of Arc's standout features is its fast hiring process, enabling companies to engage and onboard talent within days. This capability significantly reduces the traditional timeline for recruitment, ensuring businesses can scale their teams swiftly while accessing exceptional talent from a vast global marketplace.

Expert Recruitment Support

Arc offers expert recruitment support, providing users with hands-on assistance throughout the hiring process. This feature distinguishes the platform by ensuring companies receive tailored guidance and advice, enhancing the overall experience and increasing the likelihood of successful hires from a vetted talent pool.

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