
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is designed to connect companies with the best remote talent worldwide. By offering vetted developers, designers, and marketers, it streamlines the hiring process through advanced matching technologies. Users benefit from prompt access to highly qualified candidates and tailored support, solving recruitment challenges efficiently.

Arc features a flexible pricing plan with no fees until hire, ensuring a risk-free hiring experience. By leveraging global talent with significant savings versus traditional hiring methods, it offers tiered support and options for both freelance and full-time contracts, making it an attractive choice for businesses.

Arc boasts an intuitive interface that enhances user experience by allowing quick navigation through various talent categories. Its clean design and responsive layout ensure users can easily access profiles, connect with candidates, and manage hiring processes seamlessly, setting it apart in the competitive market of remote recruitment.

How Arc works

At Arc, the user journey begins by sharing hiring needs, including goals, budgets, and job specifications. Next, businesses receive matches from a pool of vetted candidates, allowing direct connections with top talent. The platform facilitates the interview process to ensure a good fit, streamlining hiring while providing robust support and secure payment options throughout.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Marketplace

Arc serves as a vetted talent marketplace, connecting businesses with top-notch remote candidates who are ready for immediate interviews. This unique feature simplifies the hiring process, giving users quick access to high-caliber developers, designers, and marketers while ensuring quality and expertise.

Rapid Candidate Matching

Arc’s rapid candidate matching feature revolutionizes the hiring process, enabling businesses to view and connect with potential candidates instantly. By prioritizing efficiency and quality, Arc enhances the user experience by delivering personalized matches based on specific job requirements and preferences.

Global Network of Talent

With access to a vast global network of talent, Arc allows businesses to hire skilled professionals from over 190 countries. This unique advantage not only broadens the applicant pool but also provides significant cost savings compared to traditional hiring methods, making recruitment efficient and effective.

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